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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Prog Preview: 2000AD Prog 2016

It's another incredible issue of 2000AD this coming Wednesday. How do they maintain such high quality every week? Here's an advance preview of the contents...

UK & DIGITAL: 1 February 2017 £2.65
NORTH AMERICA: 1 March 2017 $7.99

In this issue:
Judge Dredd: Deep In The Heart by Michael Carroll (w) Henry Flint (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Kingmaker by Ian Edginton (w) Leigh Gallagher (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

Kingdom: As It Is In Heaven by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

The Order:  Wyrm War by Kek-W (w) John Burns (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Hope: ...For The Future by Guy Adams (w) Jimmy Broxton (a) Simon Bowland (l)

Available in print from: UK newsagents and all good comic book stores via Diamond 


Anonymous said...

any chance of getting back to showing us old comics instead of press releaees

Lew Stringer said...

I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment to scan pages and write articles, but hope to later this week. Bear in mind that this blog is just a hobby for me, not my main focus. My comics work has to take priority.

Anonymous said...

i thought the blog was your job??

Lew Stringer said...

Perhaps you should read my profile on the right.

Anonymous said...

You said you wouldn't be blogging old comics as much as true to your word here it is, a shame as I liked seeing old comics but grateful is as grateful is i suppoose

Lew Stringer said...

Thanks for your comment.

Double Vision Comics said...

Anonymous, might be up your alley if you're still looking for a regularly updated blog about old comics. Great as that is, I also get all the variety my body needs on Blimey!

Lew Stringer said...

Greatnews is a great site, except for the annoying habit of always saying comics came out on their cover date when in truth that was the date the following issues were on the shelves. (Or in the case of the midweek comics, the date of the following Saturday.) Either way, the comics were not published "on this day" as Phil always says. ;-)

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