Thursday, May 31, 2007

McMahon back on Dredd

This week's edition of 2000AD (Prog 1539) features the return of one of the comics original artists. Mick McMahon, who draws the latest Judge Dredd strip, hadn't contributed to the weekly for five years before this current venture (written by Robbie Morrison).

In recent years, Mick has worked in the computer games industry, (and before that, I'm proud to say, he illustrated a strip for Sonic the Comic wot I wrote) but it's Judge Dredd that he is best remembered for. Although Dredd was designed by Carlos Ezquerra, it was Mick McMahon who drew the first published Judge Dredd strip (in 2000AD No.2, 1977) and Mick became one of the regular, and most respected, artists on the character for the first few years of the comic.

Never content to allow his style to stagnate, Mick McMahon has always evolved and developed his techniques to drawing and colour. The results have always been unique and impressive, leading the eye around the page as they should. This latest work is no exception.

Mick also has a website now, which you can visit at

1 comment:

  1. Not just "a" strip - masses of 'em, both Sonic and Tails plus accompanying covers! He was pretty prolific. And he did those awesomely creepy Plax designs which I can enver get enough of (the gloopy splatter when Sonic hits them is very disturbing...).

    Glad to see him back on 2000AD, with both this Dredd and last month's Megazine cover. I'm hoping for more. Having a different art style per strip in one issue is always good, and you can't get more different than McMahon.


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