Sunday, June 17, 2007

Combat Colin Returns!

Twenty years after his first appearance in Marvel UK's Action Force comic, the bobble-hatted adventurer Combat Colin returns to the pages of a comic this summer! The rotund Rambo wannabe appears as a guest star in the Brickman strip in Image Comics' Elephantmen No.10 scheduled to appear in July.

Combat Colin first appeared as a half page humour strip in the back of Action Force in 1987, then moved to Marvel UK's Transformers fortnightly when the two comics merged. For four years the strip became a popular feature of the comic, growing to a full page, and developing its own continuity and supporting cast (which is unusual for a humour strip).

Transformers ended, so did Combat Colin in an explosive climax, but Marvel gave me copyright on the strip and I revived him for a couple of fanzines in the 1990s.

Combat Colin and Brickman have met before, back in the
Transformers days in the Combat Colin five-parter The Place of No Return in which Colin was trapped in a mysterious isolated village along with several other comic heroes. (Yes, it was a spoof of The Prisoner tv series.)

Why does Colin turn up in the new Brickman stories in
Elephantmen? Divulging that would reveal too much of the plot (hence the blacked out words on the panel above) but you'll find out soon when the comic is released. (Colin will also feature in issue 11. After that, the regular Elephantmen comic goes on hiatus for three months, replaced by the three-issue Elephantmen: War Toys mini-series. A three-part back up in this comic will also feature Brickman and Combat Colin!)

Elephantmen No.10 also features the most important turning point in the Brickman saga in 28 years! An important NEW character premiers! Someone gets their head pulled off! And you thought Captain America No.25 was a key issue? HAH!

Elephantmen No.10. Published July 2007. On sale in specialist comic shops such as Forbidden Planet, Nostalgia & Comics, Gosh!, Page 45 etc. (Best to order a copy if you want one as shops stock low on this title!) $2.99. More details of that issue here:

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