Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Adam Eterno cursed to wander the web

Remember Adam Eterno? The Man Who Would Not Die? Cursed to live forever, drifting through time haphazardly from one age to the next? This popular strip appeared in Thunder in 1970, moved over to Lion when the two comics merged, and ended up in Valiant when Lion was absorbed into that comic in 1974. The strip then lasted until Valiant's final issue in 1976.

One of the most memorable heroes from the IPC stable, Adam Eterno now has his own website which re-presents those classic strips for readers to enjoy again. The strip's history has been extensively researched and the reproduction of the pages is clear. Well worth a visit! See

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug Lew.Also we have a support group at
    All are welcome.


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