Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Guardian launches new "Comic" section

Today's edition of The Guardian features a new regular pull-out section The Comic, comprising just four pages of The Guardian's "Berliner" format folded in half. The title of the section is a tad unsuitable as comics take up less than 50% of the pull-out, and only one comic strip at that.

Robotgirl is the strip, by John Aggs, and appears to be a taster for a "secret" project called The DFC. (In reality a new weekly anthology comic coming soon.) The strip is very nicely produced, (albeit with colours too dense for newsprint) in a style with influences of Otomo Katsuhiro. The rest of The Comic is taken up with puzzles and a competition.

The Comic will appear in The Guardian on Saturdays only.,,2197542,00.html


  1. I wouldn't want you to leak anything you're not supposed to, Lew, but is there anything more you can tell us about The DFC? A new weekly anthology comic seems a bold step these days.

    I take it can't all be about winners of the Distinguished Flying Cross.

  2. I don't really know anything about it Steve, apart from the names of a few contributors who I can't mention yet. I'm not involved with it and they didn't reply to my emails so I'm not that fussed really. ;-)


  3. im 14 and the comic is the only part of the newspaper me ad my sister fight over
    but what are the little DFC strips at the bottem ofthe back page

  4. They're teasers for the DFC, - a new weekly comic coming out next year.


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