Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Comics International Press Release

It looks like comics news mag Comics International could soon be back on the shelves after its various delays under the new publisher. Here's the press release I received this morning, published here verbatim:


COSMIC PUBLISHING is pleased to announce it has hired Barry Renshaw to the position of Production Editor on Europe's leading trade paper, Comics International.

Reporting directly to editor Mike Conroy, Renshaw comes to CI from Redeye Magazine, the quarterly title focusing on today's British comics scene that he has self-published since 2004. He will be responsible for getting the 100-page magazine back on track and maintaining its monthly schedule.

"CI has certainly had more than its fair share of scheduling problems since Cosmic took it over at the end of 2006. It would be stupid of me to pretend otherwise," admitted Conroy. "Much of the problem has been down to difficulty in finding the right person to assist me on the production side. That's not to say there aren't people out there with the suitable qualities and background but Barry has everything I'm looking for and – as he's proven with Redeye – the experience to back it up.

"Everyone I spoke to during my search had nothing but praise for him," he added. "Obviously the proof of the pudding and all that but – thanks to him – we're already well advanced on CI #206 even though #205 has only just gone off to the printer!"

With #205 due to hit shops at the beginning of February and #206 set to follow on February 29, Conroy is confident enough in Renshaw's abilities to begin planning major features for forthcoming issues. "CI will still be a news magazine but I've strengthened our ties with the major publishers so we're able to look further ahead. I'm also looking to expand CI's audience and intend to cover feature the big comicbook movie releases. Lined up over the next few issues are Wanted [#207], Iron Man [#208 – which also cover features Indiana Jones IV], Incredible Hulk [#209], The Dark Knight and Hellboy 2 [#211], Punisher War Zone [#212] and The Spirit [#216] as well as Star Trek XI, which will help promote our continuing series focusing on TV SF in comics. We'll also be spotlighting some of the films further down the pipeline – Wonder Woman, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Watchmen, Sin City 2, G.I. Joe and Thor – but I'm well aware that I'm editing Comics International so I won't be neglecting comics readers. I just wish I could reveal some of the major projects we'll be covering in upcoming issues but I've agreed to stay shtum until the publishers have made their announcements."

The latest addition to Cosmic's CI team, Renshaw joins Associate Editor, Columns: Joel (TripWire) Meadows and Consulting Editor Richard Burton, the former Comic Media News publisher, who edited 2000 AD from 1987 to 1993.

Speaking of his appointment, Renshaw said, "The early issues of CI were instrumental in my wanting to become part of the industry when I was younger. I would never have thought that years down the line, I'd be part of the team that would be responsible for getting the magazine into the hands of other readers. It was surprising but gratifying to find out that my work on Redeye had impressed Mike enough for him to include me in his vision of what he wants CI to become. Along with Mike, Joel and the rest of the team, I hope to put to rest the problems of the past and forge ahead with a stronger magazine."

ABOUT BARRY RENSHAW: A Manchester-based illustrator/writer/editor, Renshaw is best known for the Engine Comics line of publications, including the series Seven Sentinels, the critically acclaimed Rough Guide to Self-Publishing and the award winning Redeye Magazine, which was described as a `must have' by aintitcool.com. A regular on the convention circuit, he is an activist for the resurgent independent British comics industry and for raising the positive profile of the medium.

Comics International was launched in April 1990 to fill a need for a trade magazine for the US and UK comics industry. From its 48-page 4,000 copy launch, it has expanded to a 100-page monthly with many pages in full colour and a circulation in excess of 24,000. Read internationally by fans, collectors, publishers and creators, it is the independent guide to the world of English-language comics.

Official website: http://www.comics-international.co.uk/


EUROPES LEADING TRADE PAPER Comics International is to continue its
unique coverage of classic TV SF in British comics with six
instalments devoted to the shows of Gerry Anderson.

Written by Shaqui Le Vesconte, an expert on Anderson in comics, this
mammoth and exhaustive series is to showcase artwork by some of the
worlds top illustrators who brought the fantastic worlds of
International Rescue and Spectrum to life on the page, including such
greats as Frank Bellamy, Ron Embleton and Mike Noble.

This special series begins in CI #205 (March 2008) under a special
tribute cover [see below], with an overview of Andersons 45-year long
association with comics. With each succeeding 100-page issue also
featuring an appropriate Anderson cover, Part 2 (CI #206) focuses on
the early years spotlighting Four Feather Falls, Supercar, Fireball
XL5 and Stingray in the 60s weekly, TV Comic.

Part 3 (#207) is dedicated to the many strip incarnations of
Thunderbirds while Part 4 (#208) features Captain Scarlet and the
Mysterons and everyones favourite programmable boy genius, Joe 90.
Comics based on Andersons live action projects, UFO, Space:1999 and
others are explored in Part 5 (#209) while Part 6 (#210) wraps it all
up with a look at Project SWORD, Agent 21, Starcruiser and those other
Anderson concepts seen only in comics form.

Andersons many creations have not just appeared in British titles. His
vivid futures hold global appeal to young and old alike. Accordingly,
the six-parter will also explore various international editions.

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