Friday, February 22, 2008

Elephantmen: War Toys 2 on its way

Though somewhat delayed, the second issue of Elephantmen: War Toys should be on sale in comic stores next week. (Feb 28th in the USA, Feb 29th in the UK.)

More info on the issue here:

Cover by Moritat:

Variant cover by Ladronn:

Elephantmen is one of the finest comics published by Image at present. As well as the lead strip by Richard Starkings and Moritat the comic also features regular back up features on British comic artists, (I believe Gerry Haylock is to be spotlighted in Elephantmen War Toys No.2.) amongst other features.

Also included in the latest issue will be my regular Brickman page. This issue features a cameo appearance by the Suburban Satanists, characters I created in 1997 for Egmont Sweden & Norway. This is their first appearance in an American comic. The intro to the strip takes the form of a spoof horror comics cover, as you can see at the top of this posting. The story features the return of The Poker, - who plunged into the depths of Hell way back in Harrier's Brickman comic in 1986! (Beat THAT for a death record Captain America!)

Advance copies of Elephantmen: War Toys No.2 will be on sale at the Active Images stand at WonderCon this weekend.


  1. Love your blog - being an Aussie, I grew up on British weeklies like BATTLE, ADVENTURE & LION, ACTION, 2000AD, KRAZY, CHEEKY and SHIVER & SHAKE.

  2. Thanks Dann. I've been a bit too busy to devote much time to the blog recently but hope to post a few new items this week.


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