Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bad Wolf!

Not strictly a comic, but Doctor Who Magazine does feature a nine page Doctor Who strip every month (and it did start life as Doctor Who Weekly back in 1979 which was definitely a comic back then).

Anyway, just an excuse to give you an advance look at Doctor Who Magazine No.397 (above) which hits newsagents this coming Thursday, 26th June. As well as features on the series Dalek-dominated finalé the issue includes part three of the Doctor Who strip The Widow's Curse by Rob Davis and Martin Geraghty.

UPDATE: The above image is the design of the bag the magazine is in. This is the actual cover of this month's Doctor Who Magazine...

(Bad Wolf? Anyone familiar with the series will get the joke of course, and I suspect this will become a real collector's item amongst Whovians!)

As for the red Dalek; something never seen on tv before, but it dates back to the Technicolour Doctor Who film of 1965, the numerous toys, and of course the TV Century 21 comic strip from the same period. And with its huge head-lights the tv red Dalek looks somewhat like Ron Turner's 1966 comic version...

Here's the new BBC trailer for next Saturday's episode:


  1. I picked my copy up from WH Smith's on Thursday, when I went back again on Friday they had all gone...very unusual, there are normally a few copies left for several weeks after publication.

  2. Wow, after following your work since the Oink days, I discover your actually a Doctor Who fan as well! One of my prized posessions is still the Oink: Time Travel special, where Uncle Pig dresses as Colin Bakers Doctor. This issue also contains one of my favourite 'Tom Thug' stories.

  3. Wow, after following your work since the 'Oink' days, I discover your a Doctor Who fans as well! One of my prized possesions is still the Oink: Time Travel Special, where Uncle Pig assumes the guise of Colin Baker's Doctor. The issue also contains one of my favourite Tom Thug stories.


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