Monday, July 21, 2008

2009 Children's Annuals Preview

Covers of some of the 2009 annuals have been released. All are available for pre-order from Amazon, and should be in the shops by late August / early September. Here's a cover gallery of a few upcoming items:

An unusual revamp for the Bash Street Kids Annual. Looks like they're reprinting some of the longer stories. Quite a striking cover.

The Dandy Annual features the newest logo, but I understand the content will be comics based, rather than reflecting the 50/50 comic/feature content of Dandy Xtreme.

Classic Dudley Watkins reprints in The Broons and Oor Wullie...

Panini's Doctor Who Storybook (above) is basically a traditional Annual in all but name. The reason it's called a "storybook" is because a few years ago the BBC decided to do their own Doctor Who Annual, the latest cover of which is below. (Poor resolution, sorry.)

Bunty continues to have an annual every year, despite the comic ending years ago!

The traditional softback Oor Wullie book (published every two years), reprinting more recent strips from The Sunday Post...

A Dark Knight Annual to cash in on the movie...

...and finally the latest hardback Beano/Dandy collection "Comics in the Classroom" reprints a selection of school based strips from the past 70 years...

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