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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Cartoon Museum to celebrate Dandy and Beano

The Cartoon Museum (35 Little Russell Street, London) is putting on an exhibition to celebrate the 70th anniversary of The Beano and The Dandy. It opens on the 30th July and runs until 2 November.

It will feature original artwork by all the greats, past and present including the following:

Leo Baxendale, Paddy Brennan, Sandy Calder, James Crighton, Hunt Emerson, Sam Fair, John Geering, Laura Howell, Ken Harrison, Jimmy Hughes, Malcolm Judge, David Law, Ken Prout, Ken Reid, David Parkins, Nigel Parkinson, Tom Paterson, Eric Roberts, David Sutherland, Kev Sutherland, Wayne Thompson, Dudley D. Watkins.

Sounds like a fantastic chance to view original art that is rarely seen outside of the DC Thomson archives! A definite "must" for all fans of Brit
ish comics.

More details of the event will appear here in due course. The Cartoon Museum's website can be visited by following this link:


Anonymous said...

For some reason I had no idea this place existed! I've been to the Political cartoon gallery on Store Street, but not this!

Excellent stuff!

Peter Gray said...

Must go to that:)
Thanks Lew...

Anonymous said...

Wow. If I could afford a transatlantic trip right now that's one stop I'd like to make.

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