Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Best of Look-In: The 80s

I've just received the above photo of the latest Look-In annual from the book's designer Alistair McGown. Look-In: Best of the 80s is a companion volume to last year's Seventies collection and this time round features complete serials of Buck Rodgers, Robin of Sherwood (Mike Noble), The A-Team and CHiPs, plus Danger Mouse, Cannon and Ball (Bill Titcombe) and more, plus of course a selection of the magazine features that appeared in Look-In for that period. Not exactly a decade I'm interested in tv-wise, but the cover features Debbie Harry so that makes up for Metal Mickey's presence.

The book is published by Prion and should be in the shops in early October. The R.R.P. is £12.99 but Amazon are currently selling it for £7.79.

More information at this nicely designed site:


  1. Thank you very much for your kind plug, Lew. Seeing as you mentioned a couple of artists, let me just fill you in on some more.

    Yes, Robin of Sherwood is indeed a Noble piece (I had a 5-part colour Ranson to hand too, but we already had him doing the Buck Rogers, which is my personal favourite strip of the whole Rogers run).

    CHiPs is by Jim Baikie, The A-Team by Maureen and Gordon Gray.

    Danger Mouse is by Ranson, as is Haircut 100. Bucks Fizz is a 2-parter by the Grays as is a very nice colour strip featuring 80s superspending funk popsters 5 Star. Super Gran is by Harry North.

    And there's lots, lots more as they used to say. Loadsa good names, methinks.

  2. Lew:
    Great work. I posted an in-depth feedback but it didn't catch. All I can say is keep up the great information flowing about cartoons.



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