Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Buster artwork for sale

If any of you are collectors of original British comic artwork you may be interested to hear that I'm selling off some of my Tom Thug and Pete and His Pimple pages. There's a few currently on auction on eBay, which concludes on Sunday. All the pages are from Buster comic from the 1990's.

Click HERE to see what's on offer. Good luck with your bids!


  1. Nice paint colouring on the strip...you must be good with a brush..

    Peter Gray

  2. someones already out bidded me the cheeky swine...:)

  3. haha peter im winning the bid
    your thes swine

  4. I'm winning now..:) But for how long:(

    mind you with us both fighting for it...Lew will be the winner the swine:)

    Well Lew did work for Pig comic Oink!!

  5. Well I didn't want to loose it at the last moment..so I've bought the other one...so I win!!

    love to have a fun message from you written on it Lew...you know my name!!

  6. Just as well I bought the other one phew!!!..in the last second it whizzed up the price...and not Maya..
    for £18..
    I'd bid £14

    I'm so glad I was right..

  7. Got it this morning..its nice seeing an actual comic page. A lot of work has gone into it...very interesting. Well worth buying!

    It must be a lot easier using computers for speech bubbles etc..today for drawing comic pages. Love looking at the brush strokes and in a larger size.

    Glad I bought it...very inspiring

  8. Hi Peter, Glad it arrived safely. The lettering was done by Jack Potter, a veteran letterer for IPC & Fleetway. I'd send the pages to him with my script, he'd letter them, and send them on to the editor.

    Yes, computers have changed lots of aspects of comics. Personally I prefer colouring with Photoshop than using inks. I still draw the strips on paper though.


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