Friday, November 07, 2008

Crikey! Changes in store for the great British comic magazine

The quarterly magazine of British comics history Crikey! is undergoing some behind-the-scenes changes, reports the always excellent Forbidden Planet International blog. Founding editors Brian Clarke and Tom Sweetman have both left to pursue other endeavours, leaving Glenn B. Fleming as the only remaining member of the original team. Peter Hansen has become involved with the publication, which has led to Crikey! becoming a full colour publication for the next issue (No.8) scheduled for December. Long-time comics enthusiasts Phil Clarke and Mike (The Cloak) Higgs of Blaisé Books are also involved in some way. (I believe Mike is creating a one-off strip for an upcoming issue.)

Crikey! has seen many improvements in recent issues, and its presence as a magazine dedicated to British comics is very much appreciated by all its readers, so best wishes to Brian and Tom in their new ventures. Let's hope that the magazine continues on its reliable schedule and continues to gain respect and support. Blogs such as Blimey! are all well and good but a print magazine like Crikey! is always welcome to see.

To subscribe to Crikey! or to buy any of the seven issues already published, see the official website:


  1. See now I never heard of this mag - have to get it.

  2. Glad to help. Search this blog for Crikey! to see reviews of earlier issues.


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