Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ELEPHANTMEN No.18 out this week

Now back on a regular monthly schedule the latest issue of Elephantmen (No.18) arrives in comic stores this week from Image Comics.

Who are the "Elephantmen"? As the official website explains...

"They are the survivors of genetic engineering experiments and indoctrination by Doctor Kazushi Nikken and MAPPO, a sinister organization which sought to create suprahuman weapons of mass destruction.

Freed and rehabilitated by the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, the 'Unhumans' now live amongst men. Legitimized by the 'Elephantmen' act, they are nevertheless denied the right to bear arms and must survive on their wits alone.

But regardless of the roles they accept in the concrete jungles built by man, Hip Flask and his kind are treated with suspicion and contempt by the species that created them, and cannot always rely on one another for reassurance or friendship."

The Elephantmen comic book series, written by Richard Starkings and illustrated by top talents such as Ladronn, Moritat, Boo Cook, and Rob Steen, has won the accolades of fans and pros alike. The latest issue features the beautiful artwork of Marian Churchland (above) and a preview of several pages can be found here:

Elephantmen also carries various back up features. Often, ex-Marvel UK editor Richard Starkings will run articles on his favourite British artists and comics, and a semi-regular back up humour strip in the comic is my Brickman series. Currently I'm producing the Brickman: R.I.P. serial for the comic and part two appears in this issue. Mortar, Brickman's Daughter, investigates the death of her father, - with deadly results. Co-starring my old Marvel UK character Combat Colin!

Elephantmen No. 18 features a cover by J. Scott Campbell and a flip cover by Marian Churchland, both shown here. The comic will be in comic book speciality stores on Wednesday (USA) or Thursday (UK) priced $3.50.

Visit the Elephantmen website here:

See more of Marian Churchland's amazing artwork here:

J Scott Campbell's website:

Official Brickman website:

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