Tuesday, June 09, 2009

An Audience with Dez Skinn

As most readers will know, Dez Skinn has been part of the UK comics industry for several decades. Starting his career with early 1970s fanzines such as Fantasy Advertiser, his many accomplishments include working for IPC on Buster, giving Marvel UK a kick up the bum by introducing Doctor Who Weekly (still going strong 30 years later as Doctor Who Magazine), editing the award-winning House of Hammer and Warrior, and creating top industry magazine Comics International.

Now Dez has been invited to give a talk at the Not Part Of festival in Manchester next month, no doubt covering his long career and giving the audience his sharp insights on the comics industry.

The date is Wednesday 8th July 2009 at Lass O Gowrie, Charles Street, Manchester M1 7DB. Doors open 6.30pm. Price per person is £6.00.
The direct link for this event is:

Appearing on stage after Dez is chap-hop performer Mr.B, described as "
a 21st century cross between Noel Coward, Viv Stanshall, Chuck D, Terry Thomas and George Formby".

Sounds like an interesting night, so make Manchester the venue on July 8th to see wot Dez Sez!


  1. three cheers for dez. what an amazing run of mags/comics in that picture. Such fond memories.

  2. I went to this last night - thanks for alerting me to it, Lew. As you'd expect it was a fun night for all concerned - for some reason I expected Dez to be quite a serious, restrained chap... I have no idea why I had such an incorrect misconception!

    It was a whirlwind tour through Dez's career - to do it justice would've taken far longer than the two hours allocated. (Indeed, it did overrun by half an hour.) One thing I did learn that I had no idea about was that around 1994 Quality were planning on launching a whole new range of UK newsstand comics, including reprints of Groo, Spawn, Batman Adventures, Superman, a Vertigo anthology, some manga, Bongo's Simpsons Comics (now, of course, reprinted by Titan to great success) and more. Shame that never happened. He had dummy covers as part of his presentation.


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