Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Return of the TV Century 21 Annual. UPDATE: It's not happening.

A few days ago I posted a blog heralding the publication of Gerry Anderson's Century 21 Annual - a 96 page hardback (cover above) priced £8.99 that looked set to be a real nostalgia treat. Sadly, it's not happening. My thanks to Geoffrey Ellis who forwarded me this post from the Fanderson Yahoo group, written by Chris Bently...

"Sorry to put a dampener on expectations but the annual project was actually
cancelled a couple of months ago. Pre-orders from retailers (always the make
or break for books in the publishing business) were minuscule so the plans
had to be dropped. Although we did have the contents all mapped out, the
Century 21 team have done no work on this whatsoever beyond the cover, which
was designed back in March. I don't know why Amazon and other retailers are
still advertising it.

'Century 21 Volume 3: Escape from Aquatraz' IS still happening though and
we've already started work on it. Should be out at the end of November -
just in time for Christmas!"


  1. A definite 'must have' for me.

  2. I see the cover is taken from previous annuals, which is a great idea!


  3. I was wondering about that myself Tim. The Captain Scarlet pic definitely looks like it's taken from an old CS annual cover, whilst the others might be images from the strips. Great composition though.


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