Thursday, November 12, 2009

Commando issues for early November

Here are the first four titles of D.C. Thomson's Commando comic for November. All of these issues are out today priced £1.35 each for 64 pages. Brilliant to see the great Ian Kennedy is still producing such fine covers for the comic. Thanks again to Commando editor Calum Laird for the info...


Intrepid reporters Fred “Ferret McGlone, Harry Hornby et al − are back in the thick of the action! This time the Headline Heroes find themselves slap bang in the middle of the first Sino-Japanese War of 1894. It’s dicey work and they’ll have to keep their wits about them to survive − and, of course, to send their DANGEROUS DESPATCHES

Story: Norman Adams

Cover and inside Art: Keith Page

The second instalment of a four-part mini-series featuring the Headline Heroes, there are stories to come in December and January.

Commando No 4244: THE MEDAL

At the height of the Korean War in 1951, new recruit Gary “Jonesy” Jones was hailed a hero when his instinctive act of bravery saved the life of a high-ranking Allied officer.
Jonesy gained the respect of his comrades. However, he also gained an enemy, his spiteful lieutenant. Driven by jealousy, the officer hatched a plan to break Jonesy…and his squad if need be!

Story: Ferg Handley

Cover: Ian Kennedy

Inside Art: Vila


Bored with paperwork and traffic duties, Lance-Corporal Jack Johnston of the Royal Military Police was on the lookout for excitement.
So he volunteered for special duties and, after a spell of tough training, became a member of the elite Close Protection Squads.
That was when he began to understand what real excitement was!

Story: Mike Knowles

Cover: Ian Kennedy

Inside Art: Gordon Livingstone

Three Commando stalwarts combine to put together this book. Gordon’s first book was No 4 “Mercy For None”, Ian Kennedy’s No 435 “Seek And Strike”, while Mike Knowles started with No 1125 “Coward In Khaki.”


As the Red Army flooded through the gates of Berlin for the final battle, ordinary German soldiers surrendered in droves, knowing that the end could only be days away.
But for Fritz Langer’s penal battalion, surrender was not an option. Many of Fritz’s men were Russians themselves, having sided with Germany when the Wehrmacht was winning the war. The best they could hope now was a quick death − for soon there would be nowhere to run…

Story: C G Walker

Cover: Ian Kennedy

Inside Art: Denis McLoughlin

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