Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Video interview with Lise Myhre

Nemi : Promotion canapé #14 : Lise Myhre
Uploaded by editionsmilady. - Independent web videos.

As many of you know, Norwegian cartoonist Lise Myhre's comic strip Nemi appears in the UK free newspaper Metro and is collected into hardback annuals from Titan Books. Now, the strip has recently been launched in France by Milady books. I've just noticed that an interview with Lise has appeared on the dailymotion website and, if I've done this correctly, should be visible for you to watch above. Although Lise speaks English fluently I think this is the first time she's done a video interview in English so I thought fans of Nemi would enjoy seeing it. Click on the screen to begin play.

(Please let me know if there are any problems viewing it as it's the first time I've posted a video link here.)

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