Thursday, March 11, 2010

Four more Commando issues out today

The latest info from Commando HQ on the four latest issues in shops now!

During World War II, Randolf King, a civilian film set designer, was employed by British Military Intelligence. His specialty was still the creation of illusions — but not for the movies this time. His talents were to put to use fooling the Germans with fake airfields, bases — even ships!
However, Randolf had a nemesis — a mysterious enemy with skills the equal of his own and, it seemed, the ability to anticipate his every move…
Story: Alan Hebden
Inside Art: Vila Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando No 4276: Deadly Feud

August von Wurtburg, disgraced military cadet, had escaped from pre-First World War Germany, and his enemies, by joining the French Foreign Legion. There, to his surprise, he had been moulded into a skilled and dangerous fighting man.
When he returned to Germany after WW1 he found it, and his family, in the grip of armed militias — a land on the brink of civil war. August would need all his considerable skills just to stay alive, never mind help his family.
Story: Mike Knowles
Inside Art: Macabich Cover: Macabich

Commando 4277: COMBAT ZONE

The news team had known that filming a documentary in the middle of a combat zone was bound to be dangerous work. But nothing could have prepared them for a life-or-death chase by a gang of cut-throat bandits out for blood…or a direct attack by Hind helicopter gunships, each armed with a terrifying arsenal of machine guns, rockets and anti-tank missiles!

Story: Ian Clark
Inside Art: Ricardo Garijo Cover: Ian Kennedy
Previously No 2606 from 1992


A plane crash in an icy wilderness sets off a rescue operation with a difference because a Russian general in the plane carries vital secrets in his head. It means he must be rescued — or killed.
This desperate mission will make comrades of a strange assortment of fighting men. Join them as they become the WARRIORS OF THE WILDERNESS Story: Alan Hemus Inside Art: Vila Cover: Alan Burrows Previously No 2559 from 1992

More info at the Commando website:

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know what the sales figures on the Commando series are?


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