Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tim Perkins interviewed on the BBC

Just time for a quick heads up this week to report that artist Tim Perkins was interviewed on the John Gillmore show on BBC Lancashire yesterday. It's a nice lengthy interview and Tim gives a good account of his work and comics in general. All very interesting stuff from a seasoned professional artist who's been in the business since the early 1980s.

You can listen to it until next Monday on the BBC iPlayer here:

Tim's interview starts about 16 minutes in, and runs until about 1:11 on the time bar.

You can visit Tim's website, Wizard's Keep here:

...and he has his own blog here:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lew,

    Thanks for the very kind words and the plug here, mate.

    Very nice of you to do so.



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