Thursday, June 17, 2010

This week's Commando comics

The second batch of Commando comics for June have been published and are in shops now. Here's the latest info from the D.C. Thomson barracks via editor Calum Laird...

Commando 4303: STEER FOR ACTION

From the first day of war in 1939, the soldiers, sailors and airmen of the countries opposed to Hitler’s Germany knew that it would be a long, bloody struggle before the Nazis were toppled to defeat.
They couldn’t know then that the day of victory would come in May, 1945, and for those six years of savage war, Clive Sterling, Royal Navy, would sail hostile seas and face deadly danger almost every day in that fight for freedom.

Story: Ian Clark

Art: Gordon Livingstone

Cover Art: Ian Kennedy

Originally No 2857 from 1995

The final part of our seven-part VE Day series is a naval story which contrives to tie all the previous tales together


Two pilots duelling to the death…just what you’d expect in the days of the Second World War. But what was unusual about this pair — one British, one German — was that there wasn’t an aircraft in sight and they were fighting on the ground.
This clash was just as deadly, though, for on the German’s right hand was a heavy spiked and studded gauntlet…one blow from which could be fatal!

Story: Cyril Walker

Art: Ricardo Garijo

Cover: Alan Burrows

Originally No 2703 from 1993

Commando 4305: MONSTER OF WAR

Central Russia, 1918. An armoured train, bristling with artillery and machine guns is locked in a duel to the death. But what with? A spindly freakish contraption seemingly too fragile for battle.
Yet this nightmare of a device blasting away with its own deadly guns towers over the train. Where has it come from, this monster of war? And why is it crewed by the Royal Naval Air Service?

Story: Norman Adams

Art: John Ridgway

Cover Art: John Ridgway

The most bizarre tank in the world? A fitting test for draughtsman John Ridgway’s abilities.


A cloaked and masked figure who stalks the city of Paris protecting the underdog and escaping through the sewers to outwit his pursuers — obviously this is the invention of a Victorian mystery writer, not a real person.
Yet, this was 1944 and, if you asked the German authorities or the pro-Nazi French Militia, you would find that this character was all too real. And all too deadly.

Story: Norman Adams

Art: Keith Page

Cover: Keith Page

Another collaboration of the talents of Keith and Norman, the same team who brought the Headline Heroes to life.
The characters and some of the out line was suggested by Keith and Norman put flesh on the bones.

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