Saturday, September 04, 2010

Commando comics out now

The only surviving comic of the many titles launched in the 1960s, the latest Commando editions are in the shops now. Details below from editor Calum Laird...

Commando 4323: Island Ambush

The SOS came through weak and distorted by static. An American survivor of one of the many battles of the Pacific war, calling for help from a lonely island.
Radio operator Eric Aburto aboard PT Boat 1101 heard the message and knew he had to go to the man’s aid — not only was he a fellow US serviceman…Eric was sure he recognised a voice from his past!

Story: Sean Blair

Art and cover: Mike White

Commando 4324: ONE-EYED ACE

Newly-commissioned Pilot Officer Johnny Dangerfield dreamed of racking up the five kills needed to call himself an ace — and was determined to face anything the Nazis threw at him to do it.
However, it was to be the actions of one of his own squadron’s pilots that would cause him to lose an eye and Johnny’s dreams of being an ace would be over…
…Or were they?

Story: Alan Hebden

Art and Cover: Keith Page

This is the first book in Commando’s six-book salute to the RAF on the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. We’ve commissioned two brand new stories and also scoured our archives for four cracking air stories which haven’t seen the light of day for decades. The remaining three books in the Aces High series will be released on the 16th of September.

Commando 4325: MUSTANG ACE

An ace…that’s what Joe Jennings was, one of the few gifted pilots who could make his kite do anything but talk. Nobody believed there was a Jerry alive who could match Joe in combat.
Yet the day did dawn when Joe was shot down in flames. And how it came about makes a fantastic story.

Story: Mac Macdonald

Art: John Ridgway

Cover: Ken Barr

Originally No 546 from 1971

This was John Ridgway’s first ever Commando book. At the time he had a day job and it took about four months of evening and weekend work to complete. He used very thick board back then and the stack of art stands about six inches high! John has gone on to establish himself as a fixture in the British comics world and we like to think that we gave him a helping hand in the beginning — I wonder if he agrees?

Commando 4326: CLASH OF ACES

When Squadron-Leader Alec Scott in his old, lumbering Gloster Gladiator was set about by a flashing Messerchmitt 109, it was David and Goliath all over again.
This time David needed more than a sling to down Goliath — but the big ’un was cut down to size just the same.

Story: Peter Newark

Art: Amador

Cover: Ian Kennedy

Originally No 465 from 1970

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