Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Enter the Multiverse!

As reported earlier this month, Mike Conroy and Barry Renshaw are publishing a brand new comics news magazine entitled Multiverse. The actual magazine will have 52 pages for £2.50 but there's a 20 page sample issue out now to pick up from your local comic shop.

If you don't live near a comic shop, don't despair! The sample issue is also available to download as a free 5Mb PDF here.

What's it like? A nicely designed, well written mag packed with information and a worthy successor to Comics International. Its style is highly professional but it still has that good old fanzine vibe to it, and I do mean that in a good way. I got the feeling that this is what the old UK fanzines would have evolved into, had fanzines such as Comic Media News and Fantasy Advertiser continued to the present day. Yes, it leans heavily towards American product, but that's only to be expected because the US is producing far more material than the UK so there's more news to report, but Mike and Barry won't be shirking away from covering other comics either. Hopefully Multiverse will indeed cover as much comics news as possible.

The first 52 page issue of Multiverse should be launching this weekend at the London MCM Expo.

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