Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Year, New Villain

Egmont's Toxic returns to the newsstands this week after its festive break. Within its pages there's a brand new villain for Team Toxic to encounter in 2011: Baron Spyboss! That's him above.

The Team have faced loads of various villains over the years but I wanted to create a major new one, inspired by characters such as Grimly Feendish and Smash's Doctor Gloom. I hope you like the result.

Toxic No.177 goes on sale this Wednesday.

Toxic website: http://www.toxicmag.co.uk/


  1. I loved Grimly Feendish and Smash. Wasn,t Grimly the subject of a song back in thr eighties? Looking forward to Baron Spyboss.

  2. haha, I have to answer this, yes it was the Damned (from my home town) and a great song it was too. I've already bored Lew by mentioning it every time he mentions him and I refrained from mentioning it on the Wham it's new year 1966 post....but it keeps pulling me back in. Watch it it's lovely (money)


  3. Thanks Boo. Just listened to it.You're right it's a great song.

  4. I am thinking of getting this issue, I can't base all my opinion on one Toxic mag... However, if this one's worse or bad in any way, I'll never buy it again, I just love reading Robin Hoodie and Team Toxic! :D

  5. I must say it's a great shame how the Toxic mag has to rely on using kid's American cartoons to get people to buy it... By the end I was fed up of seeing Spongebob, Phineas and Ferb, Chowder etc... If I was Toxic editor for the day, I'd easily change Toxic from a magazine comic to a classic comic like the Beano or Dandy... We don't have enough of them anymore, so if this became a comic I reckon it will be great!

  6. Don't blame the editor Harry. :) These decisions are made by management. To be fair, Toxic has been running for 8 years which is a pretty good record these days. A lot of readers are attracted by the features so I can see why they use this format. It would be good to have more strips in there though.

    Hope you like the latest issue!

  7. Wasn't in the shops when I checked... I'll try and get hold of it! I love Team Toxic and Robin Hoodie! :D
    8 years?! That's impressive!
    Well done Toxic ;)

  8. Had a read through in the shops seeing as it had no plastic bag round it, which irritates me because I never know whether it's worth buying or not...
    Anyway, Team Toxic was great, very funny, Baron Spyboss was fantastic and the Doctor guy's secret was hilarious! Robin Hoodie wasn't too funny but the artwork was once again incredible! Well done to the two of you!


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