Monday, January 31, 2011

Three Comic Expos for the first half of 2011

Pity the comic fans of 50 years ago. No internet forums, no fanzines, and, worse, no comic conventions in the UK. This year, we're only in the first half of 2011 and there are no less than three comic expos coming up over the next few months.

First one is the Exeter Comic Expo (part of the Animated Exeter Festival), a one-day event at the Southgate Mercure Hotel 11am to 4pm on Sunday 20th February. Guests include John Higgins, Shaky Kane, Dom Reardon, Kirsty Swan and more.

A few days later on Saturday 26th February it's the turn of Wales to host an event with the Cardiff International Comic Expo at the Mercure Holland House Hotel, Cardiff, 10am - 11.30pm. Guests include John Ross, Mike Collins, Rob Davis, Matt Irvine and others.

Then in May the Bristol International Comic Expo takes place once again at the Ramada City Inn & the Mercure Holland House Hotels. A two day event on May 14th - 15th with guests Rick Veitch, Ron Marz, Dave Gibbons, John Higgins,
John M. Burns, Syd Jordan, Alan Davis, David Hine, and many more.

For more details including ticket prices and booking information visit the website for all these events here:


  1. Don't forget the Birmingham MCM Expo next month, not to mention MCM London a week or two after Bristol and KaPow a week or two after that. How are freelancers supposed to get an work done wit hall these blummin' shows?!?

  2. Aren't you at the Birmingham MCM Expo, Lew?

    I might be dropping by, I could come and wave at you and stuff!

  3. I'm not sure yet Andy. I had to bow out of a couple of previous MCM shows due to work or family commitments and I haven't been asked for the next one yet. If I'm not there as a guest I'll try and make it along as a punter as it'd be great to meet you.

  4. I might be getting it confused with Memorabila, now I think about it - whichever one is at the end of March.

    Oh, my poor confused brain! :D

  5. It was the Memorabilia Show I was thinking about too, not the MCM show. Doh! What are we like.

  6. There's also the London SP Expo in March, which is an offshot of the Bristol SP Expo in May!


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