Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Antimatter Hari, - She'll blow your mind

It may be a few days after Valentine's Day but in the latest issue of Toxic Doc Shock thinks love is in the air when he meets Antimatter Hari. Unfortunately Hari's only interested in Doc's mind, - literally! She's out to steal his brain for her own nefarious purposes and her kiss achieves it with skull-popping results.
Antimatter Hari is a brand new villain I've created who debuts this issue in the Team Toxic strip and who, I hope, will be turning up there again from time to time. Although the Team have faced numerous male baddies, from Butt-Face to Techno Troll, there's only been a few femme fatales such as Hallie Tosis and the Sand-Witch who have clashed with our heroes. Now Antimatter Hari joins the rogues gallery of the long running comic.

This issue of Toxic also features a new Robin Hoodie strip by Luke Paton and Laura Howell, another Zoikz adventure strip, a pull out Toxic Gamer section with six pages of cheats, and various fun and activity pages.

The free gift is a pair of Googly Glasses. (I drew the artwork for the blister pack.)

Toxic No.179 • £2.75 On sale now.


  1. Hi Lew, Looking through your blog and noticed you havent done much on Knockout. Could you write something about it? Heres a fan website:

  2. I had all the issues of Knockout in the Seventies but gave most away to charity years ago. Only have a handful now. I'll be blogging about it at some point this year though.

  3. Hari is a sexy character. Corrrrrrr!!!


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