Monday, March 21, 2011

Khaki Shorts dropped

"Great News Readers! After nearly 12 years, Khaki Shorts is ending!"

The line, opening the latest issue, is of course a spoof of the old British comic positive spin of announcing a comic's closure, but sadly it's true. The Scottish small press comic Khaki Shorts ends its impressive 12 year run with the latest issue, No.28, and it's not even merging into another comic.

It's not leaving quietly though. The final issue is a bumper 60 page A5 comic with full colour covers and more than 20 strips. As ever, the quality is variable but there's a lot of good stuff in here, and it's all produced by people who just want to do fun comics. All for a ridiculously low £2.

Khaki Shorts will be missed. We really do need more funny small press comics, and I hope the contributors will work together again on a future project.

You can order your copy from the Bad Press website here. Bear in mind it's an adults only comic:


  1. So... this blog headline of yours... is it intentional?

  2. Well, given my profession, what do you think? ;-)


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