Saturday, March 05, 2011

Pat Mills interview on FPI blog

A true giant in the British comics industry, Pat Mills, creator of 2000AD, Charley's War, Requiem, and much more is interviewed over at the Forbidden Planet International blog. The two-part interview goes into depth on Pat's opinions on comics, including the reasons for his well-known dislike for superheroes. "Superman, for instance, is a symbol of US military power. It is also a Biblical thing, which makes it odious to me." says Pat, who later continues "Superheroes blind us to real heroes, e.g. ordinary soldiers in Charley’s War. Battle readers saw that clearly which is why the story was so popular."

Pat also talks about 2000AD, the difference between attitudes to comics in France and Britain, his opinions on people taking over his strips, and lots more. Some may dislike Pat's outspoken views, and I'm sure he would expect that, but his opinions are always worth reading. Personally I usually find myself agreeing with him, so his views are always interesting and welcome as far as I'm concerned. You can see the interviews here:

The interview has appeared at an appropriate time because Pat's in the news this week due to him revealing that Marshal Law, by himself and Kevin O'Neill, is to be reprinted by DC Comics. The strip has had several publishers over the years, from Epic (Marvel), Dark Horse, to the original Toxic in the UK. If you've never read it before you're in for a treat!

Finally, next week's issue of 2000AD brings back Flesh for a new series written by Pat Mills and illustrated by newcomer James McKay. Don't miss it, Earthlets!


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