Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Phoenix shows off its plumage

Here's the logo for The Phoenix, the brand new British comic coming out next year. They have a date too, - January 2012. The months will either fly by or we'll be spitting feathers in anticipation of drinking in the comic's goodness. (Don't worry. I'm sure the comic itself won't have bird puns that bad.)

The Phoenix blog has been updated with the info, so keep an eye on http://www.thephoenixcomic.co.uk/blog/ over the coming months for all the news. A brand new weekly comic! Exciting innit?


  1. Will you be drawing anything for it Lew?

  2. I haven't had time to submit anything yet but who knows? Depends on what direction they go in and who they consider suitable for it.

  3. Lets hope its not as boring as DFC was, maybe you should try submitting something Lew to stop this happening...

  4. Thanks Kev. I found The DFC a bit of a mixed bag and while some bits were a bit too twee for me there was a lot of stuff that was far from boring imho. We'll see how The Phoenix shapes up. If they're adamant not to use traditional humourists there's not much one can do but hopefully submissions will be judged on their own merits and not ignored because of associations with a "Beano" style or whatever.

  5. I try to support all new comic ventures & hope they learn from the DFC experiance. There would be nothing wrong in them taking a look at the New Dandy which really has been a revolution and you guys who have worked on it should be applauded.


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