Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The new logo

As you can see, I've tweaked the blog's logo again and Blimey! now has a brand new look. (The previous change was in January.) You'll notice that the sub-title "It's another blog about COMICS!" has been dropped. It had been in use since the blog's debut in December 2006 but as a few other blogs had imitated it in some way or other I thought it had diluted it a bit so I decided to ditch it.

Blimey! was always the main title anyway, even back in the days when I was only using the template font for the logo. When I designed my own title banner it became gradually more prominent as can be seen here...

The fonts used for the new logo and the topline are just two of the many fantastic fonts available from Comicraft, professional comic book letterers supreme. You can visit their site here:


The font I've chosen for the new logo is called DangerGirl, based on the lettering of J. Scott Campbell for his Danger Girl comic book. I thought it had a nice classic British comic logo feel about it, which was my intention for the new blog header.

A while back I said this blog would shift to only covering old comics. I've since reconsidered and Blimey! will continue to cover UK comics past and present. However, I do intend to focus more on the past, which was always my intention. Some new and future comics/books will still be covered but only if I have time. Please don't expect me to review/plug everything. Blogging is a hobby, not my profession so I simply don't have time to report on every new project. Besides, there are already many blogs/websites that cover current comics so I'd rather do something different. (I'm afraid press releases for Captain America body splash or the latest Tussauds museum exhibitions just aren't part of what this blog is about, so please don't send me any more of those PR e-mails.)

The other thing is, I'm not looking for writers. Thanks for the offers but I just use this blog as a place to cover classic comics when I get the time, and to promote one or two current comics if I can. Hope you continue to enjoy it.


  1. I always called this blog 'Another blog about comics'.I don't like profanity.The title used means 'God Blind Me' abd should not be used lightly.You just lost yourself a reader.

  2. It's a shame that so many people copied your blog catchphrase, I accidently typed it on the first version of my blog, than speedily deleted realising it was your catchphrase!

    I preferred the old logo if I'm honest, Blimey sounds too short. Ah well, it's your choice.

    Anyway I won't be a weirdo like Peter and not read this blog anymore cos the name changed. It doesn't really matter what you call your blog, it's the content that's important, and for all the best info, your blog is the best by far. :)

  3. Thanks Harry. Hopefully "Blimey!" looks like the header of a comic, but we'll see how it goes.

  4. I think Blimey! is almost the perfect title for your blog, given it's contents.

    It is just the sort of title an old UK comic would have. It needs an extra exclamation mark though, this that old IPC classic comic Cor!!

    Looking forward to your continued posts Lew. Keep up the good work.

  5. One of your imitators is changing his blog header even as I type these words.... :)

  6. Imitation is the sincerest form of insecurity. ;-)


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