Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Summer of '49

One of these days I'll find time to do a proper blog article on classic comics again but in the meantime here's a look back in time to the cover of Radio Fun No.564, dated July 30th 1949. At a time before Summer Specials became the norm, weekly comics celebrated the holiday period with seaside tales of their characters. Here's Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss having a day out with five shillings between them. Artwork is, I believe, by Reg Parlett.


  1. I bet a lot of adults read this comic more than children..

    love the visual of the rollercoaster...look forward to your old comics posts again when yo0u have time..

  2. I think a mixture of children and adults read comics back then Peter. Over the years, as older readers turned away from UK comics, the tone and target audience of the comics became younger. (Compare TV21 to Doctor Who Adventures for example, or a 1950s Beano to a present day edition.)


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