Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Sunday Dandy (UPDATED)

Comic fans should look out for the latest edition of The Sunday Post which includes a special issue of The Dandy. The free supplement features stories from the current version of the comic and is an ideal way to reach potential new readers as well as remind parents that the world's longest running comic is still being published.

UPDATE: I was led to believe this freebie would only be available in Scottish editions of the paper but I'm pleased to say the free Dandy was also in copies here in the Midlands. Presumably then, it's all over the UK!

The comic is in the same format as the usual weekly, and reprints stories from recent issues but with a variation of the usual logo. (Cover shown above.)

With the comic being available to every reader of The Sunday Post that's around 300,000 readers!


  1. I like the addition of the "banned" (as we are constantly told) cow pie right on the cover!

  2. I wish I got it but I couldn't find it. :/

  3. Hey Lew. Delighted to discover your blog via a reader of my own, after I wrote about the Post's special-edition Dandy. I'm off into town today to see if I can get an issue. As I'm in my 40s, I may ask them to put it in a brown paper bag so people don't think I'm a child molester...


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