Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Phoenix Issue Zero coming soon

Readers anxious for the January arrival of Britain's new children's comic The Phoenix will be pleased to hear that a special preview issue will be available this weekend.

This free limited edition is issued in cooperation with Waitrose, and will only be available by checking out this week's issue of Waitrose Weekend (out today). A promotional code in the magazine can then be used to obtain a copy of The Phoenix preview edition by logging on to

The other bit of Phoenix news, and the most important, is that from today you can begin subscribing to the new comic ready for its launch in early January.


  1. I fail to see the point of this special promotion. Why can't they simply allow a download of No.0 on their website so we can see the contents?

    Putting people to the trouble of driving to their nearest (or not so nearest) Waitrose to pick up a code to type into their PC when they get home isn't a good way to impress potential readers.

    And subscription only? Again? Really? Didn't they learn their lesson with The DFC?

    I can't be bothered.

  2. Yeah, it's annoying for those of us who don't have a local Waitrose. Still, I'm sure they'll make issue zero available to all eventually as the cover is shown on the subscription ad.

    I don't think The Phoenix will ONLY be available by subs by the way. I understand there's some distribution going to happen, although given this sweetener to Waitrose it wouldn't surprise me if they also had exclusivity to the regular issues. (That's only a guess though, and I hope I'm wrong. We'll soon find out.)

  3. Obviously the makers of The Phoenix do not expect people to drive to Waitrose just to obtain the Waitrose Weekender. You can pick up the paper during your weekly shop.

  4. but I don't want to do my weekly shopping at Waitrose.

    I'll pick up No.1 if it's in Smiths next year.

  5. Strictly speaking Lew you won't get the preview issue this weekend as your headline claims. Copies will be sent out soon though.

  6. Waitrose, huh? So the Phoenix is only for the South of England then? Well I'll certainly look out for it when I next "drive" to my "nearest" Waitrose.

  7. Firstly great to see a new kids comic on the market (with the all ages Strip comic/mag its looking good in the UK)- but I would reiterate the comments on having a free issue in Waitrose, whilst I do say good for them in getting it out, Waitrose is predominately a South of England store (ok millions live there) but there are only a handful in Scotland at present (and not many in North England - not sure of Wales and NI) and they're in all the Posh bits my nearest on is the West End of Glasgow, like Gareth etc I also can't be bothered although keen to try out Waitrose sausages - have to say not keen on the cover but good luck to them -McScotty

  8. I didn't realize Waitrose was mainly south of England. (It reaches as far as the Midlands but it's still not local enough for me.)

    The Phoenix will need to spread its wings further if it wants to do better than The DFC. Hopefully we'll hear of more widespread outlets for the January launch.

  9. Well, anonymous was correct. The Phoenix Issue Zero hasn't arrived this weekend, so I'll change the topic header to avoid misleading people.

  10. Just to let you all know, I have spoken to Will Flicking (part of the Phoenix team) and he says the comic will be available in shops instead of silly subscriptions because they've realised they'll get more buyers and will hopefully do much better!

  11. The one thing I hated about The DFC was that it was often so unbearably snobby. The Phoenix looks like it's following that formula. Not available in the North? Puh-lease.

  12. I'm sure The Phoenix will be available up and down the country. It'd be commercial suicide to limit it to one area.

    The only thing that bugged me about The DFC was its initial claim to be the first new comic in 25 years, which it wasn't. Sadly, I see (from The Phoenix website) that the cover of the Waitrose Weekend had the headline "Comics are back for a new generation". Comics never went away, so I hope The Phoenix isn't going to follow The DFC's style of hype.

  13. Well, if it helps any the code is Phoenix1, so hardly something designed to keep it exclusive to the south of the UK.

    Oh, and it'll eventually cost £2-99 per issue. More in the North...

  14. I'm really amazed by the negative comments posted here.

    From what I understand, The Phoenix is being launched independently: no backing from DC/Marvel/Panini/Topps/BBC etc, so none of the financial clout and stability that those brands guarantee, nor the ability to buy publicity.

    There's a reason why there are so few indie Brit comics available through mainstream outlets. The financial obstacles are huge: having to print enough copies in advance to supply nationwide, and then having to buy-back copies that aren't sold due to restrictive sale-or-return practices... all of which means most new indie comics would be sunk within a month.

    I say: good on The Phoenix for using whatever mainstream retail opportunity they can to get word out there. It's a really exciting start. They can spread their wings from there. If they need to use a bit of hype and hyperbole, let 'em. You can bet Moshi Monsters and their ilk will be doing the same.

    On the odd north/south thing, I'm from the North West and we have the occasional Waitrose stores in between the pie shops and wippet grooming salons.

    Also, that online code somebody kindly posted also works fine: those without a Waitrose nearby can use that.

    Good luck, Phoenix!

  15. You're right "Anon". We should be celebrating the fact that there's an all-new comic coming our way, - and one with some great strips and a lot of enthusiasm behind it.

    I've just quit one comic forum partly because of the increasing negativity and nit-picking on there. In these anxious times for the comics industry we can't afford to spread doom and gloom to put people off new projects before they've even seen print. That's not to say comics shouldn't be above criticism of course, but a "glass half empty" attitude to new ideas does no one any good.

  16. Everyone should stop being so negative about the Phoenix!

    For goodness sake, it's a new comic! Surely with the Beano and Dandy still going strong, BeanoMAX still going as well as newbies The Phoenix Comic and Strip Magazine, surely a new generation of comics ARE coming! Maybe we're even seeing a new Big Five here, 5 significant comics for 2012 and beyond. Who knows!

    My only problem is that I'm worried the comic will be too posh. The DFC was amazing but it did feel incredibly posh and not very funny. As much as I like the adventure stories, I'd really like some more humour strips (which I'm sure Bunny VS Monkey and Star Cat will prove!)

    Come on January 7th 2012! :)

  17. I know what you mean Harry. There was a certain politeness to the DFC's humour in places, as though it was reflecting the way parents think children are, rather than how kids interact with each other. There was still some great stuff in there though from Jamie Smart, Laura Howell and others. Perhaps the "posh" stuff stuck out because it was so at odds to what we expect in modern comics?

  18. did you get a copy lew is it any good do whs have it instore how can i get 1? brian

  19. Issue 0 hasn't arrived yet Brian. Details of how to get a copy are all in the post and comments above. Issue 0 is not available in shops.

  20. sorry but its 1 i want im not bothering with 0 so is no1 out yet? is is in whs and like i heard it wouldbe brian

  21. As I said in the above post, issue 1 will be out in January. Have you looked at their website? All the details are there.

  22. According to Richard on Comics uk Phoenix No Zero will not be sent out until early December!

  23. So, what about us who havn't a Waitrose nearby? In my view this is shows a total lack of any thought by those involved.

    Very sad indeed.....

  24. See comments above regarding how to obtain a copy wherever you live.


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