Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Comics: TRANSFORMERS (1990)

By special request here's the 1990 Christmas edition of Marvel UK's Transformers comic. Sadly, apart from the excellent Christmas Carol inspired cover by Staz Johnson (coloured by John Burns) there's very little in the comic related to the season. None of the two Transformers strips or the G.I. Joe reprint have a Christmas connection, but there was a special short text story relating to the cover...

I made sure there was a festive element or six to my regular Combat Colin page. The Christmas episode took place in the middle of a three part story. I took the opportunity to mock the way that Christmas suddenly descended on some comic serials (as it had in Lion's 1971 strips, as seen here).

Rather than show the Christmas episode out of context I thought you'd like to see all three parts that I did from Transformers Nos.301 to 303. Part of the fun of doing Combat Colin was creating new villains and supporting characters. In this instance, here's the debut of Doctor Peculiar, Master of the Un-Normal! A mystic who's so mystical that he has a crop circle in his beard...

Issue 303 also contained a full page ad for the annuals that Marvel UK published that year. All license-based plus two Marvel annuals...

Another random Quantum Leap styled dip into the past soon!


  1. Is there a book or website where I can read all the Combat Colin strips? Or is that a possible plan for the future?

  2. would you believe, i was only reading this issue the other day? (yep, i must admit, they aren't all in the best of condition.. or even in one place, but my room is still got my issues around it. It was a good CC story.. Though i was reading this the other day, i can't 100% remember if there was a little 1-2 page story related to the cover.. I'm sure there was.. but.. I'll have to check later..

    How about some Christmas Robo-capers at some point ^_^ I'm sure there was one or two Christmas ones there. Or I'm sure some people might like some of your STC Christmas ones.

  3. Great to see Combat Colin again, I love these type of humour adventure serial strips wish there were more of these about - excellent stuff Lew - McScotty

  4. @Manic, You were right. There was a little text story related to the cover. I've added it to the post now. Thanks for making me check the issue again.

    @George, if Combat Colin strips are online they're not there with my permission. I hope to collect the strips (around 200 of them) in some form one day. Either as two books or as a classic comic series to see how they sell. And a selection of those old strips (plus new ones) may be appearing somewhere else in a few months... stay tuned.

  5. They are also my kind of humour..

    Maybe you could do a serial comic type for The Dandy..just an idea..

    Look forward to the book..


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