Friday, February 03, 2012

Current Commando comics

Just time for a quick post. Thanks again to editor Calum Laird at DC Thomson for supplying the info and cover images for the four issues of Commando that are in the shops now. What an excellent dogfight illustration by Carlos Pino for the cover of issue 4467!

Here we go...

Commando No 4467 — Invasion Alert

It was a dark and stormy night when four Home Guard men began swapping war stories while they waited for their unit’s youngest member to turn up. As they talked, it became obvious they had seen action the world over, on land and in the air.
These were men tested in the fire of battle and not found wanting.
Invaders beware!

Story: Mac MacDonald
Art: Carlos Pino
Cover: Carlos Pino

Commando 4468 — “Giant!”

Flight Lieutenant Graham Granger, his co-pilot, Paul Denning and the crew of their RAF Beaufort couldn’t believe the sheer size of the German Me323 Gigant transport aircraft when they first saw one in the skies over North Africa. As it burst from the clouds and almost collided with them, they understood why it was called the “Giant”.
Little did they know that they’d encounter more of the airborne monsters very soon. They’d even, on a daring mission to enemy territory, end up flying one!

Story: Alan Hebden
Art: Rezzonico
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando No 4469 — Death Mission


200 blistering, bullet-whipped desert miles they went behind enemy lines, a handful of men on a mission that was almost certain death. Their task — to blow to smithereens Rommel’s most vital supply port, crippling his infamous Afrika Korps.
Success could save thousands of Allied lives. But British desert HQ knew success was a chance in a million.
Trouble is, no-one could tell these volunteers that they were expected to fail, to be captured and killed. They wouldn’t listen. They just wouldn’t believe it.
For these were no ordinary soldiers…

Introduction by Calum Laird, Commando Editor

This story from Commando’s Gold Collection is a 24-carat classic. From Ken Barr’s full throttle cover to the back cover’s opening line — “In Blood And Sand…” — to the final frame it’s action all the way. All that with main characters who are as hostile to each other as they are to the enemy.
Artist Gordon Livingstone, who brought this Spence strip to life, was in his first year as a Commando artist but there is his trademark fine line and eye for detail. Never was the experience of National Service in British uniform so well used.
It may be 50 years old, but this Golden Oldie is fresh as a daisy.

Death Mission, originally Commando No 34 (August 1962)

Story: Spence
Art: Gordon Livingstone
Cover: Ken Barr

Commando No 4470 — Big Trouble For Corporal Hubert!

It was Christmas Eve, 1944, and a special section of tough German paratroopers were shooting at a British Army cook!
Poor Hubert — he was a very good cook indeed but he wasn’t really much of a fighting man. However, the Germans had been told that he was carrying top-secret documents and that was enough for them.
Look out, Hubert!

Introduction by Scott Montgomery, Deputy Editor

Here is a story from Commando’s Silver Collection that’s as delicious as the scrumptious fare created by its main character — army cook extraordinaire — Corporal Hubert Durande.
The recipe for a jolly Commando yarn is as follows: Take one eccentric chef, add a dash of espionage, mix in a squad of crack British troops, a helping of Nazi villainy, and bring to the boil…
This script was served up by Roger Sanderson, now the prolific author of Mills & Boon romance novels, and our compliments for the tasty visuals go to artists Terry Patrick and Jeff Bevan. I hope I’ve whetted your appetite for adventure…now enjoy the main course!

Big Trouble For Corporal Hubert!, originally Commando No 2061 (February 1987)

Story: Roger Sanderson
Art: Terry Patrick
Cover: Jeff Bevan

1 comment:

  1. Commando comics! I used to scorf them up when I was young in the 80s. :) All the circulating libraries here in India used to have them. The absolute best I read was "Whistling Death" about the elite Corsair planes on aircraft carriers that made mincemeat of the Japanese! :)


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