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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dandy deadlines

Here's a sneak preview of this week's Kid Cops strip which will be in The Dandy on Wednesday. Once again it's a case of Health and Safety gone mad in a crime against common sense. Can Kid Cops crack it?

It's another hectic week here at Stringer Manor with another Kid Cops strip to do plus finishing off my pages for The Dandy Annual 2013 which will be out in late summer. As you may have read elsewhere, in celebration of The Dandy's 75 anniversary this year the Annual will be featuring the return of many old characters drawn by today's artists. You'll see delights such as Monkey Bizness by Mike D, Keyhole Kate by Laura Howell, and Winker Watson by Wilbur Dawburn plus much more.

I'm doing two characters for the annual. I'd like to keep quiet about which ones they are for now, as it's nice to leave some surprises until closer to publication date I think. However I will say that one is from the 1940s and the other made his debut in the 1950s. It's great fun to be working on them and I hope I do them justice.

Anyway, back to the drawing board. I will resurface later in the week...

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