Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Strip Magazine relaunches in September

As you may have previously read when I ran a link in the sidebar, Print Media Productions has reluctantly decided to delay its planned news stand launch of Strip from June until September 2012.

As most of you know, Strip Magazine has been on sale in comic specialist shops (and on subscription) since late last year. The intention was always to relaunch on the newsstand in order to reach a wider market but the comic has been subjected to some unavoidable delays. The good news is that issue 5 of the first series will soon be in comic shops and in a few months the comic will then be relaunched with a new logo, new No.1, new stories, and available in selected newsagents. I hope that everyone who has understandably been discontented with the lack of British adventure comics on the newssstand will support Strip as it really is a good comic worth following.

Now over to the official press release for more details...
The decision follows discussion with our news stand distributors who suggested that the autumn would be a far better time for the new incarnation to hit the newsagents.

"There are also vital issues that need to be sorted out, especially a guaranteed delivery cycle from Print Media in Bosnia" editor John Freeman commented. "Both myself and Mike Conroy, who is advising us administration matters, discussed the situation with publisher Ivo Milicevic, who has bankrolled the project so far, and agreed the logistics of getting the first issue of the new incarnation printed and into the shops for our planned launch date were simply insurmountable at this time."

Once STRIP Issue 5 - a giant-sized issue - is released in comic shops in the UK next month (again, later than planned), STRIP will take a a summer break.

Issue 1 Volume 2 has been solicited in PREVIEWS for September 2012.

Cover by Bernard Kolle. Crucible copyright 2012 John Freeman and Smuzz

PMP web site: www.printmediaproductions.com

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