Friday, June 01, 2012

VIZ No.216 - Out now!

The new issue of Viz is in the shops now. (You'll find it on the top shelf where it'll only corrupt tall kids.) It's another 52 pages packed with strips, satire, and adverts - but mostly strips and satire. 

I'm pleased to say that I have a Felix and his Amazing Underpants page in this issue what I wrote and drew. Here's a preview...

This issue also features regulars such as Roger Mellie, The Fat Slags, Major Misunderstanding, The Drunken Bakers, and new characters such as Large Breasted Wet T-Shirt Pneumatic Drill Girl and your fun chum Cardinal Padraig O'Lourdes, the Archbishop of Edinburgh. Here's a preview of the Cardinal on the road to hilarious consequences from the masterful pen of Davey Jones...

There's also the return of The Kewl Chix by (if I'm not mistaken) Mr. Alex Collier...

The centre pages of this issue are adorned by a truly fantastic double page spread by Simon Thorp. Farmer Palmer's Free Festival is an illustration of a busy pop festival and is tightly packed with numerous gags. Really an amazing piece of artwork that, no hyperbole, is well worth the price of the comic alone.

Viz No.216 - out now - £3.20.

Visit the Viz website for more details:


  1. In a local store Viz is stocked in the children's section - next to The Beano and Dandy!

  2. It's definitely the best Viz in a long time (I always enjoy it, but not as much as this month's issue).

    The Drunken Bakers strip is a sad one, seems they're looking into the backstory a lot more often now. Certainly my favourite of the more modern Viz characters.

    And that Fat Slags story's just plain outrageous! Simon Thorp's centre-spread is certainly impressive, wonder if it'll get re-done as a poster, similar to his maps of Cuntinental Europe and the Shittish Isles?

  3. It certainly deserves to be turned into a poster. Perhaps it will be, at a later date.


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