Thursday, August 02, 2012

Art and History of The Dandy - first look

 The book The Art and History of The Dandy has now been published and the copy I ordered from Amazon has just arrived. Taking the reader on a journey from the beginnings of the comic right up to the present day, the 288 page hardback features a wealth of strips from long ago and many images shot from the original artwork. 

I'll be reviewing the book after I've had time to read it but for now here's a few photos of some interior pages to whet your appetites. 

You can order a copy of The Art and History of The Dandy here


  1. Looks absolutely FANTASTIC! I can't wait to have a read of it - also good move by them showing more full comic strips!

    I can't believe The Dark Newt even gets mentioned - that's REALLY up-to-date!

  2. Yes, The Dark Newt just gets an entry in the index, with the date the strip started, but Kid Cops and Postman Prat receive fuller mentions with images and credits. I'm very pleased and proud to be part of the comic's history, as I'm sure are all the other artists mentioned and featured. :)

  3. Oh, am gonna get me paws on it soon. Looks cool. Looking forward to getting it. Great stuff. Might even suggest it to me special person to get it as a pressie. I will be dropping hints like lead balloons but if I come across it before then will make a grab for it.

  4. You certainly have whetted my appetite mate :)

    Looking forward to getting hold of my copy from in the next couple of weeks.

  5. That's awesome Lew!!!! I'll definitely get a copy of this book. Hopefully we can catch up someday and talk some classic comics! Until then... congrats on getting a well deserved credit in the history book of the UK's oldest and dearest comic :)

  6. Thanks Simon. It's only a footnote in history but it's more than I could have imagined back when I was four and reading The Dandy for the first time.

  7. This, the Beano and the Dandy annuals all out within a few weeks of each other. I'm being a traditionalist and waiting until Xmas Day to read any of them!

  8. That looks so amazing! I'm glad it is right up to date. Love the way they have the logo change for each era of the Dandy- nice little touch. And there looks to be so much information in there... I already have this ordered with my wife as a Birthday or Christmas idea... Thanks for this glimpse Lew- it's really made me look forward to it all the more!

  9. Have added this to my Wishlist. Is it the same size and shape as Maurice's History of the Beano book? If so it'll look nice on my shelf next to it :)


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