Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The end is nigh

Here's the cover to the penultimate issue of The Dandy, in the shops today. This is the last regular-sized issue, as next week the comic ends its record-breaking 75 year run with a 100 page special. (But more on that another day.)

This issue wraps up a number of strips and, curiously, features several Christmas-themed strips. (Presumably because there won't be a Christmas Dandy on the shelves this year.) Andy Fanton's Secret Agent Sir draws to a close and there are strips and features by Stu Munro, Alexander Matthews, Jamie Smart, Wayne Thompson, Nigel Auchterlounie and more. All funny stuff!

The cover is once again a classic piece of Charlie Grigg artwork. This time it's taken from The Dandy Book 1987, Charlie's last annual cover. 

Don't miss The Dandy No.3609. Out now at £1.99 - and prepare to shed tears of sadness and laughter with the big final edition next week.


  1. not seen the Dandy in shops for a long while - so sad

  2. Newsagents aren't always sent the quantities they order from their supplier unfortunately.

    It's in short supply around here too, but I notice the few that are distributed sell out within a few days. But the way the system works is that WH Smith (for example) only order the quantity they sold the previous week. Therefore it's impossible for new readers to jump on board, and if a regular reader skips one, he'll miss out next time too.

    I hear the circulation for next week's grand finalé is 50,000. Let's hope they are actually circulated to the shops!

  3. Wow, I hope there won't be 42,000 unsold copies then.... didn't the first revamp issue in 2010 have a similar print run? My local shops still had most of them come Tuesday, the day before the next issue came out. Needless to say, their orders soon decreased and some places stopped selling them.

  4. I'm sure supplies won't be that short. Keep 'em peeled, folks!

    Personally I've ordered a copy direct from DC Thomson, to make sure. I'll also be buying a couple of extra copies from my newsagent.

  5. I'm on a subscription so hopefully I will be sent the last issue... just out of interest do they still print the issue number anywhere in the comic these days? I couldn't see it on the cover...

  6. I still cant belive its happening. I know that circulation is low - around 7000 - 8000, but surely that is still healthy enough to maintain the current format? At the very least perhaps DCT should offer both print and cbr/pdf formats similar to 2000AD. A shame.

  7. I'll probebly pick up the last issue, though the debate as to IF the reprint will be more complete then the 75 year special, BUT on a slightly unrelated note..

    I can just about name 3 of the background characters in that cover.. anyone wanna crack at all 6?

  8. @Andy, I think it's things like distribution and retail charges that eat into profits when sales are that low. Another good reason they're switching to digital I guess. That said, it would be nice if they could still do a print version, printed digitally like a small press comic, even if it meant you still had to subscribe to the digital edition. But DCT are a major publisher and it might not be worth their time to do that.

    @Fred, the issue number has been on page three for quite a while now in numbers an inch high. You'll kick yourself when you notice it. :-)

  9. @Manic Man
    The six are Tom Tum, Dimples, Smasher, Mitch (from Mitch and his Mummy), Jolly Roger, and Captain Crossbones (also from the Jolly Roger strip).

  10. I'm not sure if it's true, but I read in that in the 70's if a Fleetway comics sales fell below 500,000 then the title was dropped. Imagine a comic selling that many today! The Dandy's 8000 is disappointing, if only Thomson could have lifted up the sales before ending it!

    And yes it would be nice if you could still get printed versions, even if it did mean subscribing to the digital one too. (that said, the digi-Dandy appears to be an interactive comic, which obviously wouldn't be possible on paper).

  11. I think the cancellation figure was much lower than that in the seventies. Less than 200,000 I think.

  12. The cover to this week's issue is very fitting since it shows Desperate Dan and Korky (both having appeared in the very first issue) racing toward the finish line.

    Buying this issue was a bit of a problem, as only WH Smith seem to be selling it these days in my neck of the woods. The large Tesco Extra store nearby cancelled its order just a couple of weeks after DCT announced that the Dandy would shortly be terminating! I'll probably have to camp out overnight in order to get the final edition!!

    I'm still a bit shocked by the demise of this iconic title.

  13. My local Tesco also stopped stocking The Dandy recently. A bit odd, considering they used to sell out. My Smiths have it, but put it on the top shelf and hide it behind other comics (as their shelving display is too narrow to accommodate all comics published).

    Yes, it will certainly be strange and sad not to be able to buy The Dandy off the shelf again after next week.

  14. Have DCT announced what will (if anything) happen to The Dandy? Will it be a digital app/PDF?

    I remember they did release an app (of some sort) recently, but it was Apple only. No good for an Android owner like me!

  15. Some artists have revealed that they're doing work for a digital edition but what form the comic will take, what platform it'll be viewed on, or what the full content will be, I have no idea.

    I understand there'll be an official announcement on Tuesday so as soon as I have news I can report I'll post it on this blog.

  16. A few tidbits are out. Despite being in the Beano, Bananaman will be included. And an oldie is back. If you want to know who, read the thread linked to below. It also mentions pricing details. Doesn't answer Ronnie's question about the platform though.

  17. My subscription to the iPad edition has just automatically renewed, despite the print version coming to an end. So I'll take that as a positive sign of a continuing digital presence ....

    ...... although it could just be Apple's billing department being unaware of the comic's impending demise.

    The Beano digital subscription was also £9 cheaper than when I last renewed in May. I guess we'll know on Tuesday.

  18. There are bits of info on various blogs about the digital edition but I haven't heard much personally. I've been invited to the press launch on Monday, but can't make it. I'm sure some other bloggers will reveal all on Monday night when they get back from that. Sounds intriguing anyway!

  19. Our subscription copy of the final issue arrived this morning. It's a nice looking issue. Card cover with metallic red classic logo. A combination of new and reprint classic strips.

    The reprint of issue one is a 28 pull-out section in the centre of the comic on thicker matt paper.

    Advert for Dandy Digital features a couple of classic strips revamped in a new style (one from the 1940s) and Desperate Dan in classic style. (I won't say who and spoil the surprise)

    The flyer his my subscription copy says for PC, Android and Apple devices and that it's "loaded with laughs, packed with stories and filled with extras, videos and games!"

  20. Additional to that. Just looked at the reprint of issue one more carefully. It's exactly the same as the one in the 75 Years special with the same pages missing.


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