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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Charlie the Champ

Charlie Grigg was one of my favourite comic artists when I was a child, and remains so to this day. He was the artist of Korky the Cat throughout my childhood, with his clear, superbly illustrated covers for The Dandy being the perfect start to each week's edition.

He could also draw adventure strips, and illustrated two of my all-time favourites, The Red Wrecker and The Umbrella Men.

Yesterday, The Birmingham Post ran a little tribute to the great man who is now 96 years of age. It covers his marvelous career but it is a story tinged with sadness, as it reveals that Mr.Grigg now suffers from vascular dementia. You can read the full article online here:
The Birmingham Post: Charles Grigg's 22 Years as a Dandy artist.


Anonymous said...

Charlie is such a hero in british comics- without him, the Dandy wouldn't have been the way it was. Personally glad he's still around at the amazing age of 96 but it's very sad news about his illness.. he gave us fond memories of Korky the cat and Desperate Dan which will last for generations to come. Clever comic genius, would love to read more of what he wrote about his life in the future :)

Unknown said...

i am going to miss the dandy and have many wonderful memories and quite the collection

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