Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Mike Noble Interviewed

Thanks to John Freeman for the heads up on this. There's a great video interview by Chris Thompson with the artist Mike Noble on You Tube, where Mike talks about his early days as an illustrator and his work for TV21 and Look-in. It also shows some of his original art illustrations of his time during World War 2. A fascinating insight into the background of one of the best adventure artists to grace British comics.

You can view the video by clicking this link:

Below: Mike Noble's excellent artwork on the second Timeslip strip (Look-in No.2, 16th January 1971).

1 comment:

  1. It certainly left you wanting to hear more...;0)
    Loved seeing the war drawings as well...
    Quite chilling the bomb so close to killing Mike! Thank God it missed him and his family..very powerful drawings of the family running to the shelter...


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