Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Doctor What (1964)

My Doctor Flu strip is currently running in The Beano but there have been many spoofs of Doctor Who in comics over the years of course. The first was Dr What and his Time Clock, a weekly humour-adventure serial that ran in Boys' World in 1964, published by Odhams. The haistyle and clothing of the character is obviously based on that of the first Doctor as portrayed by William Hartnell.

Here's the episode from Boys' World Vol.2 No.33, dated 15th August 1964. The art is by Artie Jackson, who later drew Danger Mouse (preceding the TV cartoon of the same name/concept) for Smash! in 1966. Jackson also drew many of the Danny Dare strips for Wham!

Boys' World was a glossy comic magazine in the style of Eagle. Comics historian Steve Holland recently wrote a book about about it and published it through his Bear Alley Books imprint. You can find out more details here:

1 comment:

  1. Viz did a Doctor Who parody called "Doctor Poo"... whose TARDIS was apparently unequipped with a toilet, and he was looking for a place to... oh, it's Viz, you figure it out.
    Though he was modeled on the 4th Doctor, his companion was based on Jamie (who accompanied the 2nd Doctor).


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