Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Free art card with every issue of Commando!

Thanks to D.C. Thomson for the latest info on their Commando pocket comics. (Apologies for the delay in posting this which I received last Friday.) Here's the press release...

“For the first time in its very long history, Commando will giving a free gift with every issue. It may have been a long time coming but we think you'll think it's been worth the wait.

Along with the first eight issues released in the UK in January will be eight A4-sized postercards featuring some cracking pieces of Commando cover art which we know you love to have. There's one postercard for every issue and a different one for each story.

We have taped the cards to the Commando issues so you'll notice that your Commandos are taking up a bit more space on the newsagents' shelves. The stories themselves are the same action-packed tales you've come to expect and they're the same size you want...they're just a bit easier to spot!

If you don't have your copies set aside, it might be a good idea to get to the shops smartly...we're sure they be selling fast.

Once you've got yours, pass the news to your comrades-in-arms. Let's try to get the shelves cleared ready for the second batch.

Subscribers won't miss out, they'll get the cards through the post with their usual fortnightly package.”
Commando issues 4667-4670 – On sale 2 January 2014

Commando No 4667 – Nobody Loves A Genius

Private Hubert Wellington was a real nice chap — keen, well-meaning, anxious to please. There was only one thing wrong — anything he got involved in was doomed to disaster!
   And what was his job? He was an explosives expert! Yes, every man in Hubert’s platoon gritted his teeth and waited for the world to end with a big, big bang…


When Stuart Duncan e-mailed his request to see this one again, I had my doubts. Its Ian Kennedy cover was a cracker but the story looked just a little bit comical to be a good Commando. But he wasn’t alone in asking for it so I decided to read it again. What a surprise! Despite the cover and the apparently bumbling hero, this is one hard-hitting Commando, beautifully realised in great detail by Pat Wright. Without giving the game away, with a change of uniforms and locations, this could be a contemporary story.
   It could be the work of a genius.

Calum Laird, Commando Editor

PS Remember we are always open to suggestions when it comes to titles you would like to see again.

Nobody Loves A Genius!, originally Commando No 824 (March 1974), re-issued as No 2084 (May 1987).

Story: R A “Monty” Montague
Art: Patrick Wright
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando No 4668 – The Lost Squadron

“Slim” Sothern, fighter pilot, floated in the Channel in his Mae West and cursed his rotten luck. Sure, an ambulance rescue seaplane was circling above, but it was German, and Slim feared that for him the war was over, and only the deadly dullness of prison camp lay ahead.
   How wrong can you be?
   He was taken prisoner all right but inside a week such strange and mysterious things had happened to Slim Sothern that he, and other RAF pilots like him, had been turned into a “Squadron of the lost,” and were flying Messerschmitts for the Germans against the British.


I reckon Peter Ford is an unsung hero of the early years of Commando. His crisp, accurate lines — especially, but not only, when dealing with aircraft — is up there with the best of comic illustrators. He was one of the few Commando artists to write stories as well, but here those duties are done by Boutland who manages to weave fighters, bombers, Resistance fighters and nasty Nazis together in a fantastic high-octane cocktail.
   Striking though it is, Ken Barr’s cover only hints at the treasures within.

Calum Laird, Commando Editor

The Lost Squadron originally Commando No 134 (Sept 1964), re-issued as No 695 (November 1972)

Story: Boutland
Art: Peter Ford
Cover: Ken Barr

Commando No 4669 – Life-Line To Tobruk

Tobruk was under siege. Enemy troops lay around the port on three sides. No supplies could get through by any land route. Everything had to be brought in by sea.
   It was a dangerous business for the landing craft that were used as supply vessels. Slow and cumbersome, they were under constant attack by German ships and aircraft. But Lieutenant Jack Jarrat and his crew took on all comers, even the German army. It seemed that nothing could stop them!


Here’s a chance to taste a slice of classic Commando, as requested by Commando readers. Bill Fear’s script leads us from sea to land and back again, twisting and turning as he weaves a tense story around the brave men fighting in North Africa and the equally brave men aboard slow-moving, lightly defended landing craft supplying them. Carmona’s detailed artwork brings action and characters vividly to life. Wrap that in a classic Ian Kennedy cover and we’re on to a winner.
I remember buying this one as a boy and after all these years it didn’t disappoint. Little wonder this it was requested by a number of readers, including Johnny Westbridge from New Zealand. 

Iain McLaughlin, Sub-Editor

PS We are always open to suggestions for titles you would like to see again.

Life-Line To Tobruk, originally Commando No 1408 (April 1980), re-issued as No 2620 (December 1992).

Story: Bill Fear
Art: Carmona
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando No 4670 – Survival!

A handful of shivering, crestfallen British soldiers, cut off in German-occupied Norway. Their mission…to destroy a Nazi airfield menacing the vital convoys to Russia. But before they could even think of tackling their target, they had a more difficult and far more urgent problem — simply to keep alive in the cruel cold above the Arctic Circle!


Happy New Year!
Let’s kick off 2014 by telling you about some non-stop thrills, and spills – but enough about last month’s Commando Office Christmas party, what about this book..?
Survival! is perfect reading for a chilly January evening – with its relentless Arctic adventure, tough heroes, ski-bound villains and, erm…igloo-building…this defies the odds to become a real winter-warmer from the archives. 
So, put your feet up, pour yourself a nice, hot cuppa and enjoy.

Scott Montgomery, Deputy Editor

Survival!, originally Commando No 921 (March 1975), re-issued as Commando No 2243 (January 1989)

Story: Mclean
Art: Ibanez
Cover: Ian Kennedy


  1. All the "art cards" (just glossy paper) were crashed or ripped on the ones I saw.

    Second point, why is there so much clutter on the covers now? The logo and the story title has suited Commano perfectly well for 50 years but now they're adding stuff it don't need. It's getting as bad as all the other comics.

    Third point, all the stories this week are reprints! I'm rapidly falling out with Commando.

  2. I'm sure the reprints are only for this month. Every now and then they do a 'special request' run. I think they'll be back to normal next time.


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