Monday, March 10, 2014

Searching this blog

From various enquiries I've received it occurs to me that some visitors to this blog may be unaware of the two search facilities available to readers. Those of you who only receive these posts as an e-mail won't be able to access those search windows, so if you ever need to reference anything I've covered, please visit the full blog at

When you arrive at the blog you'll see two small search windows. They're not immediately obvious so I'll highlight them in this image:

Each window has its own way of displaying results to a search. For example, if you were interested in Scorcher comic, and you typed that into the top left window like so...

...the results would show the full posts of every posting that Scorcher has appeared in, starting with the most relevant...

It can be a bit time consuming scrolling through the full posts, so personally I think the search window on the right hand side is better. Here's why. If, for example you were searching for 1950s UK Marvels and you typed that into the search window on the right...

...the results you'd see would be condensed, with no images, making it quicker to hopefully find what you're looking for...

Then if you simply click on any of those results you'd see the full post...

The majority of you will no doubt already know all of this so my apologies for taking up your time with the bloomin' obvious. However I hope it'll prove useful to new readers. There are over 1,000 posts on this blog, and those search windows are a great way to quickly find what you're looking for. 


  1. I don't understand how it works. I'm using a smartphone and the display is noting like that. I don't see those boxes and it's always in colour not black and white?

  2. I showed a black and white screen grab just to highlight the search windows.

    Yes, the display may be different on a smartphone but isn't there an option at the bottom of the screen to switch to original display?


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