Thursday, May 01, 2014

Aces Weekly signing at Orbital Comics

The evening of Wednesday May 7th will see a group of contributors to the digital anthology Aces Weekly on hand at Orbital Comics in London for a signing and sketching session to meet the readers. Here's the info from publisher David Lloyd from the event page on Facebook:

"The very first in-store signing by Aces Weekly, to celebrate reaching our TENTH volume, and mark our appearance on premier digital comic store, ComiXology, on the same day - May 7th! The great David Hine, David Lloyd, David Leach, Chris Geary, Steve Marchant, Mark Montague, and more will be on hand to chat, sign, and sketch! Never met these geniuses before? Live near London? Come and see us! You'd better - otherwise we'll sic some dinosaurs on you! Wednesday, May 7th, 5-7pm!"

All of the characters in the image above, and more, (including Combat Colin) will be in the incredible, over 200-page, Volume One of Aces Weekly, which will be on sale on Comixology on that day.

Aces at Orbital event page on Facebook:

Aces Weekly website:

Orbital Comics website:

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