Friday, May 30, 2014

Return of the Summer Special

From the early 1960s up to a few years ago, the 'Summer Special' of a comic was always something to look forward to. They gradually faded away due to reader disinterest and, it's said, reluctance of retailers to have one issue taking up shelf space for three or four months. The last 2000AD Sci-Fi Special (as its summer edition was titled) appeared in 1996 apparently. However, this week it made its return to newsagents across the UK with a brand new edition.

Summer Specials often featured their regular characters plus extras. This year's 2000AD Sci-Fi Special has a couple of twists. Firstly, it brings back three old characters (Rogue Trooper, Robo-Hunter, and Durham Red) and secondly the contributors are newcomers (or "my latest consignment of script and art droids" as editor Tharg refers to them). A very nice job they do too.

There's also a Judge Dredd story of course, plus a strip starring Orlok, Agent of East-Meg One, and a Future Shock. Again, by new contributors. And a couple of pin-ups, or 'Star Scans' as 2000AD calls them. 

Six all-new stories, no reprint, in a packed 52 page summer special for £3.50. On sale from now until 6th August. Ideal reading matter on the sands before the Punch and Judy Show starts or to read in your guest house if it's raining. 


  1. Went into W H Smiths today and looked over all the comics as I do every two or three days. I guarantee that this is hidden where mere mortals like me will never find it unless they rummage around - and then shops wonder why they don't sell. Thanks for the info.

  2. Yes, it was displayed away from it's companion titles in the WH Smiths I bought my copy from too. I don't understand Smith's thinking sometimes.

  3. At least you've still got a WH Smiths - my local store closed in March after 36 years of operation (and we had an older one before that). It used to be a ten minute walk from my house but now the nearest WH Smiths store is about ten miles away !

  4. Good to see the return of many old characters. I just don't understand all the new characters!


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