Saturday, June 28, 2014

Support the Cat!

There's only a few days to go to help Hunt Emerson reach his Kickstarter target to publish a new collected edition of his brilliant Calculus Cat comic strips. The required amount of £10,000 is almost there, but not quite! It'd be a shame for the project to fall short. After all, this is Hunt Emerson, - a cartoon genius who has been entertaining us with his work for around 40 years! 

As well as the existing Calculus Cat strips, there's also stuff that has never been printed before, plus extra guest pages by various artists. (Including me, but don't let that put you off.) So let's get behind this project and make the book become a reality. 

You can pledge whatever amount you choose here, at Hunt's Kickstarter page:

Remember, no one will be charged if the project doesn't meet its goal, and if it does reach its target you'll only have a few months to wait before the book is published, so you can't lose! 

UPDATE 30/6/2014: I'm pleased to see that Hunt has reached his target so the book will definitely be published! 

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