Thursday, June 19, 2014

The all-new comics anthology

Just a reminder that for those of you wishing there was a new British adventure comic anthology out, - there is! The entire first volume of Aces Weekly is available to buy for the iPad via Comixology. Over 200 pages for just £6.99!

What's in it? Tons of all-new and exclusive strips by David Lloyd, John McCrea, Carl Critchlow, Phil Elliott, Esteban Hernandez, David Jackson, Mychalio Kazybrid, David Leach, myself and many more! 

Aces Weekly isn't published by a profit-hungry corporation, but by someone whose name you should recognize, David Lloyd (artist of V for Vendetta, creator of Kickback) whose passion for keeping the project going is something we all appreciate. Those of us working for Aces don't receive a page rate as we do when we work for big publishers, but we get an equal share of the profits, so when you buy the comic you're not supporting some megabucks corporation, you're supporting the artists and writers. Every purchase helps, even if it only brings in a few quid.  

I know many of you would prefer Aces Weekly in print, but the expense of doing that isn't feasible, so digital is the way it is. So if you do have an iPad, give Aces Weekly a try. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as we did producing our strips, - which is a lot!

Buy Aces Weekly Volume 1 from Comixology here: 

(There's a new exclusive three page Combat Colin strip in volume 1, and another in volume 8. - And I'll be working on another one for a future issue.) 

After you've tried volume 1, why not subscribe to the other volumes, available as onscreen comics from the Aces Weekly website. A new issue is added every week, building up to 7 issues per volume. Volume 10 has just completed and Volume 11 will be starting soon:


  1. Hi Lew

    Michael Anden here- thanks. Looks great. I don't have an i-anything yet, but the reasons for getting one are admittedly getting pretty compelling

  2. I'll always prefer paper comics but there are more and more that are exclusive to digital these days. It's worth considering an iPad. I bought an iPad mini, which is about half the price of a standard one, lighter, and still has a large enough screen to read comics on. You can also zoom in on pages of course, or turn the screen sideways to see half a page about the width of an American comic.

  3. I'll always prefer paper comics but there are more and more that are exclusive to digital these days. It's worth considering an iPad. I bought an iPad mini, which is about half the price of a standard one, lighter, and still has a large enough screen to read comics on. You can also zoom in on pages of course, or turn the screen sideways to see half a page about the width of an American comic.

  4. Lew, re above - have you been cloned? Is it an evil clone? I'm scared.

  5. Weird. I don't know how that happened. There's a minutes difference between the comments too.


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