Friday, July 04, 2014

A peep into Private Eye

Cartoonist Ken Pyne.
My thanks to artist Lorna Miller for finding this great little video. It's a short behind-the-scenes look at Private Eye, the long running satirical magazine that always features a lot of cartoons and comic strips. It includes a look at cartoonist Ken Pyne, a regular contributor to the Eye, who also used to illustrate the readers jokes in Tiger in the 1970s/80s.

Here's the link:

It's good to see that the Private Eye offices look just like one would hope they would; untidy and virtually unchanged since the 1960s! 

Incidentally, speaking of Lorna Miller (who did a fantastic job colouring my Team Toxic strips in Toxic for many years and is a brilliant cartoonist in her own right), Private Eye have recently accepted cartoons of hers so look out for the first one in the current issue.


  1. Thanks for this Lew and Lorna - what a great find!

    So, Private Eye still does things pretty much the old way, yet it continues to buck the sales downturn of most magazines with a (claimed) distribution of 250,000 copies per issue. Makes you think, doesn't it?

  2. Yes. Although I think it has a very loyal set of readers. I'm not sure the same policy would work for some other magazines and comics.


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